We developed a 4 Step energy plan to combat Global Warming. Education and awareness are just part of the solution however doing something about it is yet another thing as the world searches for solutions to the biggest threat to our children’s future and our search for immediate answers.

Our First Step in Action:

We started with our effort in Global Awareness. Liberado has been very much an active part of the global environmental movement and an advisor to Lawrence Bender’s “An Inconvenient Truth” with Vice President Al Gore. Many believe that Global Warming is real and growing daily. Despite the scoffs in 2005 our land planners were given direction to plan for a 3 foot ocean rise. The filming location was moved from New Orleans to Hollywood due to Katrina.

Climate change with a preponderance of hurricanes and fires has become impossible to ignore. The basis of living in peace and security has been grossly compromised in so many areas globally today and causes pause to financial lenders, insurance companies, businesses and residents collectively. The question to rebuild with the uncertainty of next year’s weather or the year after remains unanswered.Major institutional reports now address investment in asset protection based on climate change and confusion remains.

Since this film’s 2006 premier Global CO 2 cumulative emissions are reported to have almost doubled. Let’s not forget our atmosphere and oceans have no borders. January 10, 2025 “Earth records hottest year on record in 2024 and the jump was so big it breached a key threshold” or was it the Palisades fire that got you?

Global Warming: Skeptics? - An Inconvenient History The Al Gore Education. 

Our Second Step in Action:

We presented clean energy alternatives to CFE the Mexican Government Power company on initial ways to change over to alternative energies. We met with presentations with CFE’s Director General Elias Ayub where we included our contracted medical report to substantiate the health effects that the now past plume smoke had on their employees and to our environment. We are proud of our accomplishments. Our philosophy is to not just talk about it but do something about it and get results. CFE presented us with their “Will Serve” energy supply confirmation.

This second step was to influence CFE The Mexican Power Company to switch from polluting fuel oil to natural gas adjacent to Liberado. Today it is now a different environment and provides pristine air quality. Perhaps one of finest air quality locations you can find anywhere in the world with vistas for over 50 miles. The land and environment became naturally vibrant again, the desert foliage returned back to normal and the ocean now shimmers again. At night, a festival of shooting stars and romantic moonlight is common.


Our Third Step in Action:

Now the free energy of nature is used in the form of free photons from the sun. Adjacent to Liberado in this recent photo shows one of our investors that developed one of Latin America’s largest solar plants now operating in Sonora. With over 1.2 million panels, the 405-megawatt plant generates enough power for over half a million Mexican homes.


Our Fourth Step in Action:

Quantum Mechanics has become widely accepted as a no-nonsense emerging science with the evolution of analytical equipment. We’ve already filmed the speed of light. Chemistry changes in the nano world and new rules apply. From the announcements of the Muon Quantum asymmetric “Wobble” from Fermilab to the US Department of Energy announcement on December 13, 2022 of energy “Over Unity” the Genie has been let out of the bottle. 

University testing has already confirmed quantum energy’s performance to the emergence of superconducting properties at room temperature. Government, private and university studies continue today as we now safely antiquate and switch from oil, natural gas, solar, battery storage, hydrogen, plasma, fusion, fission, laser and nuclear. It will replace carbon pollution and provide green energy 24/7/365 using our quantum field as its’ source of energy - our inexhaustible fuel tank. It is the upstream fuel for the electron. It will start to reverse the energy devastation we are experiencing now by going back to the origins of nature. 

Harvesting unlimited quantum energy is easily obtained on demand and proven through frequency and also the magnetic field – 2 known pathways. It is not voodoo magic but with common and simple conventional materials and science configuration. It is realized in the thought process of accepting unlimited energy and crossing over to conventional applications. It is different. The more power you demand the more power it wants to give. 

Pure quantum has no resistance or ohms and is that paradigm shift from atomic chemistry into quantum chemistry. An entirely new vocabulary is evolving called Transohmic which now opens up superconductivity. Solving Quantum Coherence is an easy function of stability and reliability as is achieved already up to melting point. The quantum transformation with a simple transceiver converting Quantum field energy to perpetually feed the electron is here now. 

In this instance empirical data has already solved the AI hallucination problem and left us with guiding responsibility today to this quantum shift. Unless directed not to do so, AI defaults into unlimited quantum infinity when asked and then answers the perplexing questions of how unknown things become presented. 

I Think We Are Now Ready: https://quantum-rise.org/


We are a proud financial supporter of The Climate Reality Project and drawing on the power of Hollywood and Political focus for our children and our world’s future. This is all part of our work with the United Nations Global Compact.

As we are now experiencing this environmental shift we focus on what is most important today. Mother Nature always wins. Please join us in this ongoing effort.

A Global Unifier